Essential Oil Producers Association of Australia (EOPAA)


Features & Mentions
  • Essential Oil Database
  • Memberships / Renewal
  • eCommerce / Shop
  • Research data & papers
  • Branding
  • Memberships & Booking
  • UI / UX Website Design
  • WordPress Development

An online community hub of scientific research

Bright Bird worked with EOPAA in 2023, with the main goal of creating an essential oil database, so producers and distributers could reference the latest scientific research.

Backed by Government group Agrifutures the database needed to be accessed by paid members or be available for purchase by non-members.

The project also included refreshing the EOPPA brand, switching the managing members to an online system & redesigning the website.

The main UX / UI challenge was to create easy to follow & understand journey for new members joining & existing members renewing & managing their account online. They also had to have the latest available scientific data easily accessible by all.

Project Stats


Percent increase in overall exhibition entries


Memberships renewed in first 3 months


Number of new science research published papers